Bank Reconciliation Import Setup
Settings > Accounts Payable > Clear Check Imports
The bank gives you this file format to import cleared checks. SGA can assist in setting up this file format.
Clear Check Imports
Double-click AP Check Import to make changes.
Name: The name that will be displayed as the name of the import.
General: Typically, banks send a text file as the type of file to import from. See import connections for help setting up a connection to a file to import.
Columns: Columns are referenced by their name or number, depending on what the Reference columns by setting on the General tab is.
Check#: Defines the check# column.
Amount: Defines the amount column.
Clear Date: Defines the clear date column.
Format: Defines the format of the clear date column. If this comes from a date value in a database or Excel, then choose (none).
To import a file of cleared checks, go to Settings > Accounts Payable > Clear Check Imports. See Import Bank Reconciliation for how to import.
Steps to Import a File from the Bank
Typically files from the bank are a fixed width text file. Below are instructions for importing a fixed with text file.
First time setup:
- Choose a folder where you want to store the files you import
- Create a Schema.ini file in that folder. For instructions how to do that see connection string builder. When setting this up, the first line in the Schema.ini file should be [ClearChecks.txt].
- In SGA go to Settings > Accounts Payable > Clear Check Imports
- Double-click the import listed there
- Click the Edit button
- Click the … button next to the Folder
- Find the folder where you keep the files
- Click OK, then Save, and exit that screen
Do the import each month:
- Save the file you get from the bank into the folder you designated above
- The file you are importing must always be called ClearChecks.txt, assuming that’s what you called it in the schema, so what I recommend doing is copy the file from the bank and name it ClearChecks.txt. That way you will still have the original file for past imports.
- Log into SGA and go to Month End > Bank Reconciliation.
- Click the Import button.
- Import the file.
- A log will be displayed if any errors are encountered or checks that don’t clear. You can print this log or export it to Excel or Text from the Reports menu.
- Exit the screen when finished.