A/P Invoice Batch List
Daily > Accounts Payable Invoices > A/P Invoice Batch List
Displays all unposted invoice batches, with options to add, edit, delete, or import invoices.
Once an invoice has been posted, if user permission allows, anything except the account and amount may be changed.
The invoice summary information is displayed in the top section; click to highlight an invoice line and all distributions or line items are displayed in the bottom section in a grid.
New Dropdown Menu/New Batch: Click this button to enter invoices in a new batch.
New Dropdown Menu/Import: Allows you to import invoices from outside systems. This is especially helpful in importing credit card invoices. Contact SGA for assistance in setting up the import specs. Click here for more details about importing.
Add to Batch: Click this button to enter additional invoices in the batch selected.
Edit: Double click the invoice line (or click to highlight an invoice and click Edit). Make changes and click Save (or hit Enter) when done. Additional line/s may be added to the invoice by simply keying in an additional distribution line in the grid. Right-click on a distribution line to delete a row, reposition a row in the grid, or copy comments to all rows.
Delete: Deletes an invoice, as well as all distribution lines. Click to highlight the invoice and click Delete to delete the invoice. To delete the entire batch, “X” out of this screen, back to the Invoice Batches screen. Click to highlight the batch and click Delete.
If a P.O. has been tied to the invoice you wish to delete, the P.O. will be reopened as before the invoice was entered.
Post: You may post selected invoices from this screen by checking the box on the far left column and clicking Post.
Filter: Allows you to view a range of batches, either posted or unposted for a selected range of months.
Refresh: Refresh the invoices displayed. This comes in handy if another user is entering invoices at the same time.
Reports: Click on the drop down arrow to print, preview, or put to Excel the list of invoices currently displayed on the screen.