Users > Permissions
This is where you set permissions for both users and groups. Every option has a security level that allows or disallows access to the task, whether or not a user has permission to modify, or access anything on a higher level. To begin, select the user or group you are working with and the application. To display a specific task for all users or all groups, right click on a task and choose the appropriate menu.
There are two separate types of permissions:
Tasks: This is the main part of permissions in the most detail. Tasks define who is allowed to do what.
Options: This is where other settings are stored per user (not group) that don’t fit the mold of allow and modify security levels. You rarely have to change anything here. It is mainly used internally for storing data specific to a user.
Understanding Permissions
Permissions can be assigned to a user or group. Therefore, the highest level of permission is what applies to a user. In other words, if the individual user’s permissions are set low and one of the groups that the user is a member of is higher, then the group permission will be applied because it is higher. This also works visa-versa. If a user is a member of a group and you try to change a user’s permissions rather than one of the groups in which they are a member of, then a popup window will appear asking you if you want to apply the change to the user or one of the groups they are a member of.
User: The user or group to work with.
Application: The application to work with.
Task: The task to work with. This allows you to search for a specific task by a keyword. If you select all users and specify a task then you can display a specific task for all users.
Global Edit: This gives you the ability to clone permissions. This can be done by selecting what you want to do from the drop down and pressing the apply button. It also gives you the ability to, allow all, update all.
Clone selected to: Clones the currently selected task to another user, group, or all users.
Clone all from: Clones all permissions from another user or group into the user or group displayed.
Clone all to: Clones all permissions to another user, group, or all users.
Disallow all: Disallows access to all tasks for either the current or all applications for the user or group displayed.
Allow all: Allows access to all tasks for either the current or all applications for the user or group displayed, not overlaying any higher levels that already exist.
Allow all, no higher levels: Restricts to allow access to all tasks for either the current or all applications for the user or group displayed. This Replaces any levels greater than Allow.
Modify all: Allows access to modify all tasks for either the current or all applications for the user or group displayed, not overlaying any higher levels that already exist.
Modify all, no higher levels: Restricts to only be able to modify all tasks for either the current or all applications for the user or group displayed. This replaces any levels greater than Modify.
Highest security: Allows access to everything.