Payer Transactions

Payer Transactions

Browse of A/R invoice and receipt transactions for a selected payer.

You may enter a range of transaction month/years to browse. Information will be displayed based on the columns selected in the View setting at the top of the screen.

Right-click on any row allows you the option to browse the batch for that row. 

Edit: After an invoice or receipt has been posted, the only thing you may edit is the Item ID (invoice#), Comments, Reference#, Date, or accounting period. Ability to edit is based on user menu permissions. If G/L account# or amount is wrong, you may enter reversal transaction/s to correct.

Edit by Item ID: Displays all lines of the selected invoice, allowing you to edit the comments and/or transaction date of the invoice.

Print Receipt: To print a receipt, click to highlight a receipt line and click Receipt > Print (or Preview).