A/R Batches
Daily > A/R Transactions
Displays any invoice or receipt batches that have not yet been posted.
A batch may contain transactions to multiple months, multiple object types, etc. The system will post the transactions according to the month assigned on each transaction.
New Invoice Batch: To enter an invoice in a new batch.
New Receipt Batch: To enter a receipt in a new batch.
Add to Batch: Allows you to enter additional invoices/receipts to the batch you have highlighted.
Delete: Deletes the batch that is highlighted.
Post: Highlight the batch and click Post.
Import: Allows importing either receipt or invoice batches. Import specs are defined in Settings > Accounts Receivable > Imports.
Filter: Can be used to select a range of batches to view.
Reports: Simply prints a list of the batch numbers shown. Use Detail Report Writer for any A/R-related transaction reports.
Double-click on a batch to view the entries.
New/Edit/Delete: You may add additional entries to a batch or edit any field of information by double clicking the entry, or by highlighting the entry and click Edit. To delete an entry, highlight the entry and click Delete.
Print: Prints the detailed information in this batch.
Print Receipt: Prints the individual receipt selected. (Available if Use Receipt# is set in Options)