1099 Electronic Filing

1099 Electronic Filings
Settings > Accounts Payable > 1099 Formats

Creates an electronic file for transmitting 1099 information to the IRS.

Starting tax year 2023, if you have 10 or more information returns, you must file them electronically. Find details on the final e-file regulations.

You must have a TCC (Transmitter Control Code) already assigned by the IRS for the specific platform you are filling with. See the article to review both of those platforms offered by the IRS and changes made for the 2023 filling season.

Review the required 1099 format under Settings > Accounts Payable > 1099 Formats.

Edit each of the following fields of info before creating the electronic file for the platform you are filling with.

  • Path/file name, Contact Email, Contact Name, Contact Phone, and Transmitter Control Code (provided by the IRS).

Menu option Month End > 1099 Process:

  • Create File.
  • Select the year.
  • Select the form. 
  • Format: Select the format for the platform you are filling with.
  • Text File Output: Download (This will send the file to your downloads folder on PC)
  • Click OK.

For more info, see 1099 Processing.