Accounts Receivable Options
These are high level optional settings for your organization
Settings > Accounts Receivable > Invoice Options
Default object type: If you wish, you can specify an object type to default on an entry screen.
Invoice Distribution method: Determines the default distribution method for invoice entry.
Receipt Distribution method: Determines the default distribution method for receipt entry.
Use invoices: Is invoice entry used?
Use transaction codes: Do you want to use transaction codes for receipt/invoice entry? A transaction code will assign the account# (and the object# if applicable). Transaction Codes are maintained in Records > Transaction Codes. Advantages for using Transaction Codes include:
- Use a shortened number for entry (instead of having to enter the full string account number).
- Use alpha characters (word codes) for entry rather than numbers.
- If this box is checked, you are not required to enter a Transaction Code in receipt and invoice entry. The distribution method on the entry screen may be overridden to enter the G/L account, Object number, etc.
Allow object entry: Determines if object numbers can be entered in A/R invoice entry.
Settings > Accounts Receivable > Receipt Options
Use receipt#: If this option is chosen, a receipt number will be auto-assigned when a receipt is entered. The receipt number will be entered as Reference Number.
Default next receipt#: The system-assigned receipt number can be overridden here. Otherwise the system will use the next consecutive number.
Require a receipt#: Is this field required in receipt entry? (Rarely used)
Default print receipt upon entry: Do you want to auto-print a paper receipt upon each receipt entry. (Rarely used) If form is set for 1-up, receipts will print a single copy on 8-1/2 x 11" paper; if form is set for 2-up, two receipts will print on a single sheet if an office copy is needed.
Margins: Allows adjustments to top/bottom margins on a printed form.