Contact Information

Contact Information
Settings > Accounts Payable > General Options 

  • Vendor ID: This is a unique number assigned to the vendor upon addition by the computer. The next vendor ID is held in Settings > Accounts Payable > General Options. 
  • Name: The name of the vendor that displays everywhere in the system except checks and EFT’s. If the vendor has a name change, simply change it here.
  • Payment Name: The name of the vendor that displays on all checks and EFT’s.
  • Address ID: Allows maintaining multiple addresses for this vendor, such as a remittance address, as well as a physical address, etc. Using PRIMARY as the vendor address to print on the check is recommended. The PRIMARY address will be defaulted on the invoice entry screen, but a different address may be selected.
  • Address: The address information is printed on checks.
  • Phone 1 & 2: Used for internal use only.
  • Fax: Used for internal use only.
  • Email: Vendor’s email address. You may email a vendor from the Vendors (list) screen by locating the vendor, right-clicking, and emailing the vendor. This email address is also used to notify vendors of payments via EFT, email a purchase order, etc.
  • Attachments: Allows you to attach files, pdf, documents, etc., to send to SGA A/P Staff.