Accounts Receivable Overview

Accounts Receivable Overview

SGA Accounting includes an A/R application, which allows invoices and/or receipts to be recorded under individual payer names and allows viewing the transaction history under each payer, similar to browsing A/P transaction history by vendor. The setups are as follows.

Settings > Accounts Receivable > A/R Object Types: At least one Object Type must be added for A/R purposes. Object Type, Type (10-character max) and Description can be names of your choice. Source must be AR.  Click on Accounts Receivable to enter the scheduled account number. 

  • Scheduled Account: This is the Accounts Receivable balance sheet account that the system will use in each invoice and/or receipt transaction.  If you plan to use more than one Accounts Receivable balance sheet account, you must add an Object Type for each. 
  • Subsidiary Type. Select the appropriate type.
    • Open Item: both invoices and receipts are entered to an invoice number.
    • Balance Forward: receipts only will be entered (without invoices). This allows recording income from a funding source so transaction history can be viewed under a payer (funding source name), instead of the income recorded as a journal entry.
  • Validate item ID: In receipt entry, should the system validate that the invoice# already exists?
  • Flip sign for display: Check this if Open Item; Uncheck this if Balance Forward. This does not affect G/L, but is for screen display purposes only. When viewing a payer’s transaction history, the invoice shows as plus and receipts against the invoice show as a minus.
  • Get scheduled account fund from transaction account: If more than one fund is used for invoice/receipt entry, check this box and enter the Scheduled Account (above) without the fund. The system will then use the Accounts Receivable balance sheet account for the same fund as used in the invoice/receipt entry.
  • Default next payer ID: The system will automatically add a new payer with the next sequential payer number within the Object Type, but the payer number may be overridden here.

Settings > Accounts Receivable > Invoice Options: These are high level optional settings for your organization.

Records > Payers: can be added with name and address information under Records > Payers. A payer is added within an Object Type. The same payer may exist in more than one Object Type.

Entry: Invoices and subsequent Receipts can be entered under a selected payer name with month/year, invoice#, date, amount, comment, and G/L account#. Menu option is Daily > AR Transactions. Invoices and/or Receipts can also be imported from a spreadsheet.

  • Invoices: 
    • To start a new batch, Click New Invoice Batch
    • To add to an existing invoice batch, double-click on the batch and click New.
  • Receipts:   
    • To start a new batch, click New Receipt Batch.
    • Receipts can also be entered under a selected payer without an invoice having been entered.
    • It is recommended that each receipt batch represent a deposit to the bank, which will later aid in reconciling deposits in Bank Rec.

Be sure to post AR invoice and receipt batches at the appropriate time. By month end, all AR batches should be posted, although you may do entry to future or prior months as the AP Entry Options settings allows. Invoice and receipt batches can be edited or deleted up till the time of post. If a correction is needed after a batch has been posted, you must do reversal invoice entries to the Object Type/Payer/Item ID (Invoice#). A simple way to do a reversal is to select the payer on the entry screen and click Clone. Select the transaction you need to reverse and enter the amount as a minus to reverse the entry or to adjust the amount.

After invoice and/or receipt transactions have been entered, you may browse them by selecting the Payer > Transactions.

Invoices can be printed or emailed by using the menu option Reporting > Special Forms. The Select tab allows selection criteria, such as a range of dates, batch#, invoice#, etc. for printing invoices or emailing directly to the payer/s.

Edit Payor Invoices Header/Email Body Format: To Customize the Header and Email Body of an Accounts Receivable invoice, go to Reporting > Special Forms > AR Reports > AR Invoice > Click on Customize Report > General Tab. Click on the Email Settings button at the bottom. Here you can update the Payer Email, the Distribution Email, the File Name , and Subject fields that will populate on the .pdf report, along with the body of the email.

Contact SGA for assistance in setup of a custom invoice form for your organization.

Reporting: Detail reports offer many options of printing invoice and/or receipt transactions, payer transaction history, a list of unpaid invoices, etc. Generic reports can produce an aging report as of any selected month end.