Digital Invoice Capture Batch Review (without temporary invoices)

Digital Invoice Capture Batch Review (without temporary invoices)


Display: Re-display batch detail according to screen selection options


Save: Save changes made to batch. 


Add to Batch: Add a new invoice to the currently displayed invoice batch.


Delete: Remove selected invoice(s) from the temporary batch.


Transfer Attachments: Move attachments from the selected invoice to another invoice in the batch. Moving attachments will delete the original invoice.


Edit: Open the invoice edit screen for the selected invoice.


Regular Invoice List: Display invoices in a regular list presentation.


Submit (If using Document Approval): Submit invoice approval.


Send to Reviewer (if using Document Approval and “Use Reviewers” active): Send invoice to designated Reviewer for review/modification.


Approval Table (If using Document Approval): Review the approval table for the selected invoice.


Log (If using Document Approval): View system activity for the selected invoice.


Post: Post invoices to the GL. Temporary invoices missing required information will not be allowed to post.


Filter: Limit the displayed invoices by vendor type, posted status, period range, or search based on PO number, Vendor Name, Description, or Batch number.


Reset filters: Reset screen display to system default filters.


Forms: Print, Preview, or export selected invoice details.


Reports: Print or export batch detail grid.


Hide Image: Hide the displayed image for the selected invoice and remove it from the screen.


Show Image: Re-display the image for the selected invoice.


Hide Detail: Hide the invoice header detail for the selected invoice and remove it from the screen.


Show Detail: Re-display the header detail for the selected invoice.


View: View options for columns displayed in the batch detail screen section.


Group (If using Document Approval): Invoice batch detail screen filter for specified approval groups. An additional dropdown represents the approval tables associated with the selected approval group(s).


Status (If using Document Approval): Invoice batch detail screen filter for approval status.


Due Before (If using Document Approval): Invoice batch detail screen filter for due date limitation.


Timeframe: Invoice batch detail screen filter for invoice date range limitation.