Vendor Summary Transactions

Vendor Summary Transactions
Records > Vendors > Summary

Displays A/P invoices and payments for a vendor in summary. Invoices with multiple lines will display as one invoice line.

  • When you select an invoice, the distributions or line items are displayed in a separate grid at the bottom of the screen.
  • When you select a payment, the invoices that were paid display in a separate grid at the bottom of the screen.

The menu option under Vendors allows you to display invoices, payments, or both (All Payables). 

This screen displays invoices and payments in the following order: Year, Period, Date, Invoice ID, Invoice Sub ID, and Payment ID. Open invoices appear at the bottom in white, while all payments and paid invoices appear in yellow, which is the special color defined by user preferences. Voids appear in red.

The “Totals for range” at the top of the screen represent the total invoices, payments, and due for the range of periods selected. The total due for all periods shows here as well.

You can double click on an invoice or payment or press the enter key when one is selected to display a popup window with more detail about the transaction.

Period: Choose a range of periods. It defaults from the beginning of the current year to the end.

Type: Option to filter for only invoices, payments, or both.

Display Reversal Entries: If unchecked, original entries will be visible in red with a "voided" status, but the associated reversal entries will not display. 

View: Allows you to save your settings of which columns are displayed or hidden as well as the order columns are shown.

  • To hide or unhide columns, click the customize columns button and check which columns are to be displayed.
  • To order columns, you can either click the customize columns button or just drag columns where you want them by dragging the column header.

You can save a view by clicking the save view button. You must be authorized in security to save or delete views.

Advanced Filter

This is a quick way to locate any invoice#, PO#, or check# in the system without having to first select the vendor for this information. Click here for more info.


Edit: Once an invoice is live, if a user’s menu permissions allow, changes may be made to any field except amount and account#. If either of these fields is incorrect, you may go to the invoice entry screen and enter additional lines with plus (or minus) amounts to the appropriate account# numbers, or a journal entry may be made to correct the amount and/or accounts.


Void Invoice: If voiding an invoice, select the invoice you wish to void and click the Void button. If applicable, the PO will be reopened for the amount of the invoice. The system will not allow voiding an invoice that has already been paid. You must first void the payment.

Void Payment: To void a payment, select a payment you wish to void and click the Void button. A list of invoices that were paid with that payment will appear. Tag which ones you wish to reopen and click the void button. The Void Period, Void Date, and Void Comments are defaulted but may be overridden. It is generally advised to use the current period for a void so that G/L history is not changed for prior months.

Hold: This is for holding an invoice so that it cannot be tagged for payment until the hold is released. To hold an invoice, select the row and click the hold button.

Attachments:  Displays attachments, if any exist, for the invoice selected. Click to highlight the invoice line and click Attachments.

Manual Payment: Use this to record a manual check or EFT. When you click this button, all unpaid invoices will be displayed for the vendor. Check the invoices to pay or click the select / deselect all checkbox at the bottom of the screen. Click the Check button to record a manual check that was hand-written in the system, or click the EFT button to record any type of electronic payment/wire transfer from your bank account for this invoice. Once you click either of those buttons, a second screen will allow you to enter the payment information for the appropriate checkbook.

Change Grid Height: Controls the area displayed between the top (summary) and the bottom (distributions). 

Links: Click the Links button to mark a different entry in the system related to the selected entry. For example, if a journal entry is made to correct a G/L account# on an invoice, you may click the Links button to mark the selected journal entry as a related link. “Links” is available as a column on the View (Customize Columns) setting on this screen.