
Approvals are used to record pre-approved program financial aid. Modifiers are used for membership financial aid and other group discounting.


  1. Find or add member 
  2. Click “Approvals”
  3. Click “Add Approval”
  4. Select the approval for which the member qualifies from the drop down list
  5. Change date range if needed
  6. Click “Save”
  7. Member will automatically receive the approved discount in the cart.

Note: Adding an approval does not impact existing registrations. The approval must be in place before a program is sold. If an existing program needs to be discounted but the approval was not in place, a manual adjustment is required.


  1. Find member 
  2. Click “Approvals”
  3. Click the edit pencil on the approval being modified
  4. Change the end date or other fields as needed
  5. Click “Save”