Find or Add an Account

Find or Add an Account
Find Member > Add Individual

  1. Click Find Member.
  2. Search by last and first name. You can also search by birthdate, email address, phone number, or a combination of the above. Narrow the search further by using the options available under Advanced Search.
  3. A list will populate if more than one individual meets the search criteria. Click on the correct person to open the profile page.
  4. If only one result exists, the system will open that profile page.


  • Use % before either name field to return all records that contain the sequence of letters following the %. 
  • Name searches are begins with searches, you do not need to add % at the end.

Adding an Account

  1. If not found using the steps above, Click Add Individual.
  2. Fill in the information and click Save.
  3. Take photo.